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Our By Laws




ARTICLE I - Name and Object

The name of this body shall be the “Diocesan Assembly of the Order of the Daughters of the King® in the Diocese of Tennessee.” It’s purpose shall be to carry out and uphold within the Diocese of Tennessee the principles and work of the Order of the Daughters of the King®, the extension of the Order, and the strengthening of its work through out the Diocese by providing opportunity for greater knowledge, a fuller inspiration, and a larger service.

ARTICLE II - Membership

Section 1        Annual Meeting
There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Assembly. The order of business shall be at the discretion of the Diocesan President and the Diocesan Board. The date and place of the meeting shall be a the discretion of the Diocesan President with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 2        Delegates
Each Chapter in the Diocese shall be entitled to representation by one delegate elected by their chapter. Members of the Executive Board are also voting delegates. Diocesan officers have one vote. Those present will constitute a quorum. All members attending will have seat and voice, but no vote.

Section 3         Additional meetings
Additional meetings of the Diocesan Assembly may be called during the year at the discretion of the President and/or the Diocesan Assembly Board.

ARTICLE III - Officers

Section 1         Selection and term
The elected officers of the Diocesan Assembly shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be elected for a three year term. The term of all officers will begin at the end of the Triennial National Assembly. They shall not be eligible for re-election to succeed themselves with the exception of the Treasurer. 

Section 2         Nominations and Elections
Early in the year of the Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Assembly in the year prior to the National Assembly, the President shall appoint a nominating committee of three (3) members. This committee shall select at least one candidate for each elected office and report to said meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor with the prior knowledge and consent of the nominee(s). A majority of the votes cast by the delegates will be necessary to elect. 

Section 3         Vacancies
In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall fill the unexpired term. In the case of a vacancy in another elected office, the President shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy, subject to the approval of the Diocesan Assembly Board.

Section 4          Duties of the Officers
1) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Diocesan Assembly and the Diocesan Assembly Board. She shall nominate the Chaplain. She shall appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Diocesan Assembly Board, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. She shall be the representative of the Diocesan Assembly to the Provincial Assembly. If unable to attend an Assembly meeting, it is her responsibility to appoint someone to represent this Diocese at said meeting. She shall coordinate all plans for the Annual Meeting. She shall perform all other duties pertaining to her office.

2) The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, perform all duties of the President. In case of the resignation or death of the President the Vice-President shall automatically become President. She shall act as Communication/ Promotion chairman for the Diocese and under the direction of the President shall help disseminate information about the Order. She shall assist the Diocesan President as requested by her.

3) The Secretary shall keep all minutes of meetings of the Diocesan Assembly and the Diocesan Assembly Board. She shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office and assist the President as requested by her  

4) The Treasurer shall collect all monies of the Order in the Diocese and make all disbursements and make a report to the Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Assembly. She shall serve as chairman of the Budget Committee and present the Budget at the Annual Meeting for its approval.

ARTICLE IV - Diocese Assembly Board

Section 1         Membership
The Diocesan Assembly Board shall be composed of the officers and the chapter presidents in the Diocese.

Section 2         Meetings
The Diocesan Assembly Board shall meet just prior to the Annual Meeting and at other times at the discretion of the President and the Board. A quorum shall be a majority of the Board.

Section 3         Duties and Responsibilities 
The Diocesan Assembly Board shall be responsible for all business of the Diocesan Assembly between the Annual Meetings. In addition:

1) The historian shall collect nationals and keep a record of the activities in Diocese and display these, if possible, at the Annual Meeting. 

2)The Junior Daughter Coordinator shall promote junior daughter chapters in the Diocese. She will supply information about Jr. Daughters to interested senior chapters. She also shall facilitate communications between Jr. daughter chapters in the Diocese and coordinate any Diocesan wide activities or projects. She shall report at the Annual Meeting.

3)The Daughters-at-Large chairman will contact Daughters-at-Large in the Diocese. She shall see that Daughters-at-Large are informed of all activities of the Order on the Diocesan level. She shall report at the Annual Meeting.

ARTICLE V - Executive Committee

Section 1         Membership 
The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers. 

Section 2         Duties and Responsibilities 
The Executive Committee shall assist the President in carrying on the business of the Diocese in between meetings or contact the members by telephone or mail. Any decisions shall be presented the Diocesan Assembly Board at the earliest possible time for approval.

ARTICLE VI - Diocesan Chaplain

Section 1         Selection and Appointment 
It shall be the privilege of a newly elected President to place before the members at the Annual Meeting the nomination of a Diocesan Chaplain whose term will run concurrently with that of the President. This nomination shall be approved by the membership and then submitted for approval to the Bishop. 

Section 2         Duties 
The Diocesan Chaplain shall oversee the spiritual matters of the Diocesan Assembly. He/she shall have seat and voice at all meetings of the Diocesan Assembly and Diocesan Assembly Board meetings. He/she shall be available to the President for counsel and advice pertaining to matters of the Order in the Diocese. He/she shall coordinate all services at the Annual Meeting.


Dues to cover the expense of the work of the Diocesan Assembly shall be collected  annually on a per capita basis by the National Office and remitted on a regular basis to the Diocesan Treasurer.

ARTICLE VIII - Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order (most current edition) shall govern the Diocesan Assembly meetings, but do not take precedence over the Bylaws of the Order, Rules of Order established by the National Council, nor Rules adopted by the Diocesan Assembly Board.

ARTICLE IX - Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended at any Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Assembly by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, providing the proposed amendment(s) have been given to the delegates in writing at an earlier session at the same Annual Meeting. Any part of the Bylaws found to be in conflict with the National Bylaws or the Rules of the Order established by the National Council shall be brought into agreement by the Diocesan Assembly Board at its next meeting. No vote in the Annual Meeting is needed, but the action is to be reported and the change sent to allChapters. 

Retyped 9/2018

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